Welcome to the self-proclaimed Masterchef Georgi’s Cooking Master Class!
In Lesson 1 of 1, I’ll teach you how to make pancakes!
Before you start make sure you have the following ingredients:
- 500 gr. Flour
- 2 eggs
- 300-500 gr. of milk
- 300-500 gr. of water
- spoon of salt
- spoon of sugar
- spoon of sunflower oil or more, if you do not have a special no-oil-needed cooking pan
You will also need the following tools of the trade:
- A frying pan
- A mixing bowl (anything big enough to hold 2 L of liquid will do)
- A scoop (you can use a bigger spoon too)
- A mixer (if you don’t have one you can replace with muscles and a fork)
When you all those ingredients, you are good to go! Break the two eggs and drop them in the pot
Note on the mixture: it is a matter of experimentation to get the right thickness of the mixture, so experiment – add extra flour, milk, water in order to get it right! After the fourth pancake preparation you’ll know what’s the right consistency!
Expect Lesson 2 of my master classes – turning the pancakes around in mid-air! :)
Чухте ли за iPad? Не? Лъжете, няма хора, които да ползват модерни медии и да не са чули за iPad!
А ползвахте ли iPad? Не отговаряйте, освен ако не работите в десетината разработчици поканени от Apple, отговора е НЕ! Факт – всички са виждали iPad само на картинка (или филмче), и взеха да пишат, колко бил слаб iPad. В Българската преса дори се появи статия Десет слаби места, където iPad отстъпва на стандартните нетбуци. Как така разбраха, че това са слаби места? И iPhone има доста от тези недъзи, но това не го прави по-малко продаваем. Read the rest of this entry »
Several pictures from the winter season
Images of all sorts and types