Six little cuties, six little kitties, and their mother

Melnik is located in southwestern Bulgaria and the country’s smallest town. It is also an architectural reserve. These photos make it clear why that is.

They should’ve removed that image on

from the Apps for travelling, apps for losing your iPhone prototype page.

Or else I wouldn’t be able to do this:

If found in a German bar please return to Gray Powell iPhone App

The App, Gray Powell did not have

James Cameron almost had it right – excellent cast and staff, big budget, a distant and unfriendly planet, a high-value substance, greedy corporation, big scary robots, The Marines and Sigourney Weaver. If only he hadn’t forgotten the Aliens…

It turns out that migrating a linux box to a new hardware is not as easy task as it used to be. I’m running a Trixbox system on an old 1 GHz Pentium III machine. The owner of the box got another antique – a Dual 1.4 GHz Pentium III ProLiant DL360 G2 with two SCSI drives. So I was tasked with migrating the trixbox to the new hardware. It took me about 20 hours to get this working, but all the work can be done in 3-4 hours, depending on how much data you have. This guide requires you to have a basic knowledge of the linux architecture and the linux commands, as well as what is in the /dev directory. Due to the fact that trixbox is CentOS-based this guide can easily be applied to migrating a regular CentOS installation .
Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome to the self-proclaimed Masterchef Georgi’s Cooking Master Class!

In Lesson 1 of 1, I’ll teach you how to make pancakes!

Before you start make sure you have the following ingredients:

  1. 500 gr. Flour
  2. 2 eggs
  3. 300-500 gr. of milk
  4. 300-500 gr. of water
  5. spoon of salt
  6. spoon of sugar
  7. spoon of sunflower oil or more, if you do not have a special no-oil-needed cooking pan
Pancake ingredients

Pancake ingredients

You will also need the following tools of the trade:

  1. A frying pan
  2. A mixing bowl (anything big enough to hold 2 L of liquid will do)
  3. A scoop (you can use a bigger spoon too)
  4. A mixer (if you don’t have one you can replace with muscles and a fork)
Tools of the pancake trade

Utensils needed for making pancakes



When you all those ingredients, you are good to go! Break the two eggs and drop them in the pot

Break the eggs in the pot

Break the eggs in the pot

Mix the eggs with the mixer/fork

Mix the eggs with the mixer/fork

Add 200-300 gr. of milk to the eggs and 100 gr. of water

Add 200-300 gr. of milk to the eggs and 100 gr. of water

Mix the eggs and the milk

Mix the eggs and the milk

Add 200-300 gr of flour

Add 200-300 gr of flour

Mix the flour/milk/water/eggs

Mix the flour

Note on the mixture: it is a matter of experimentation to get the right thickness of the mixture, so experiment – add extra flour, milk, water in order to get it right! After the fourth pancake preparation you’ll know what’s the right consistency!

Add the salt, the sugar and a teaspoon of sunflower oil

Add the salt, the sugar and a teaspoon of sunflower oil

Heat the pan and add a few drops of sunflower oil

Heat the pan and add a few drops of sunflower oil

Pour evenly a scoop of the mixture in the heated pan

Pour evenly a scoop of the mixture in the heated pan

Bake the pancake on both sides

Bake the pancake on both sides, don't forget to turn it around!

Bake all of the mixture into incredible pancakes!

Bake all of the mixture into incredible pancakes!

Use your taste and imagination for the filling!

Use your taste and imagination for the filling! I really love some honey, some hip jam and some cheese!


Expect Lesson 2 of my master classes – turning the pancakes around in mid-air! :)

Valentine Pancake

St. Valentine's pancake

Чухте ли за iPad? Не? Лъжете, няма хора, които да ползват модерни медии и да не са чули за iPad!

А ползвахте ли iPad? Не отговаряйте, освен ако не работите в десетината разработчици поканени от Apple, отговора е НЕ! Факт – всички са виждали iPad само на картинка (или филмче), и взеха да пишат, колко бил слаб iPad. В Българската преса дори се появи статия Десет слаби места, където iPad отстъпва на стандартните нетбуци. Как така разбраха, че това са слаби места? И iPhone има доста от тези недъзи, но това не го прави по-малко продаваем. Read the rest of this entry »

Several pictures from the winter season